
Charlie at the museum

From John Cassity:  I got to see the original Charlie McCarthy at the Smithsonian not to long ago! It was a neat experience!   I went there for a class trip.   I didn't see any other puppets.   I was hoping to see Kermit the frog, but they said he was off display at the time.   But I was happy to see Charlie! He almost looks kinda sad sitting in there all alone though...  But still, it was very fun!
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From Mr. D: Thank you for the photo of Charlie at the Smithsonian! I'd love to visit that Museum but I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity, so you sharing your photo is much appreciated!


  1. Yep. If you've ever had a Charlie, you know you ALWAYS lose the hat.

    1. Anonymous6/15/2012

      I still have my Charlie's top hat. He is the best of the old ventriloquist dummies!

  2. Anonymous6/13/2012

    Thanks, John, for the photo! Charlie is still Number One!

    1. Anonymous6/15/2012

      You are right! Charlie McCarthy is number one!

  3. Anonymous6/13/2012

    Lucky! I've got a Charlie McCarthy at home, he is awesome! He looks really different from all of the pictures and videos of him with Edgar Bergen. Also, where is the original Mortimer Snerd? That would be cool to see him too!

  4. Winkle and Wags6/13/2012

    What a change! I visited there 20 years ago and Charlie was sitting on top of Irvin Berlin's piano and Kermit the Frog was sitting next to him. To his right was Howdy Doody; standing tall (with strings locked above) and waving to me, and that big Colgate smile. I still recall thinking of it as "Puppet Heaven". When I saw him, he was wearing his top hat and his hair didn't look like Donald Trump's. What goes on here?

    1. Anonymous6/15/2012

      I've got 5 vent figures at home two of which are Charlie McCarthy and another is Howdy Doody. I wish I could go see the classic figure!

  5. John Cassity6/22/2012

    I just noticed this today! Thanks for posting this!
