
For Sale

I wrote earlier that the Smithsonian carried one of the finest articles on the subject of ventriloquists and ventriloquism.  Well, The ATLANTIC (August 1989) also contained an outstanding feature article on this same subject.  Written by Cullen Murphy, the theme was primarily a report on the International Convention.  But so much more.  Ten full pages of text and illustrations!  Unique in that all illustrations were by Bill Nelson...very amazing work - you see one above.  This is a complete 96 page magazine; excellent condition.  Bid now:  http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260933012876

Reporter Murphy opens his story in the following manner:  "When I first met Ollie, he was beside himself, with his head lying alongside his torso in a wooden box.  Jeff Dunham gently lifted the pieces out and helped Ollie pull himself together.  When he was seated on Dunham's knee, Oillie opened his eyes, looked at me, furrowed his brow, recoiled, and turned his head to the familiar face on his right..."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/13/2012

    I remember seeing the frowning charlie on bergen's first national tv show {available on dvd}. It was a thanksgiving themed show, & bergen & mccarthy were put in the stocks by other pilgrims,& that's where he used the frowning head. Bill Smith
