
Second chance offer

This framed photo of Shari Lewis was unclaimed in an earlier drawing.
It has now been re-gifted and the winner is: Evelyn Hickman who wrote:
"Shari Lewis was a big inspiration for me. I loved watching her on TV and recorded many of her programs -- which I still enjoy as an "older adult." I saw her in a live performance at Reading, PA back in the 80's and was very hopeful of getting an autographed souvenir. At the end of the performance and Shari had left the stage, a gentleman came out and announced that Shari would not be available for autographs -- that she was ill and on her way to the emergency room. The desire for an autographed souvenir was quickly replaced by a concern for her health. I never had the opportunity to see her in a live performance again, and am still lacking that coveted treasure."
Thanks to all who took the time to respond to this second chance offer. I do have more Shari Lewis collectibles that will turn up on future drawings.


  1. Anonymous2/06/2010

    Evelyn sounds like a worthy recipient!

  2. Anonymous2/07/2010

    I had a similar experiance Evelyn. I saw her here in Syracuse N.Y. & she did a GREAT show, but she made the anouncement that she would not be available for autographs. I am sorry to say, but I was a tad miffed at that, but later learned the reason. She had JUST lost her mom!! Talk about me feeling like a HEEL!!Lucky for me though, I had already obtained a beautiful 8x10 autographed to me from her through the mail years earlier, So I DO have one to treasure! She was an inspiration to us ALL I do believe!!

  3. I also never met Shari but she has and is my inspiration for the Magical Arts. I grew up watching her and just met her Daughter Mallory at a Show in Long Island last year where I twisted a Balloon Lamb Chop for her!
    Thanks for sharing ALL these gifts with us!
