

I have three Achmed dog tags with chains to give away today. From http://www.jeffdunham.com/ And the winners are: Carleen Elliott, Tom Farrell, and Scott Flack.


  1. Those are nifty, Does he sell those on his sight? I will have to check it out, believe it or not, my son Nathan recently brought me back to Ventriloquist. I didn't even have any figures. I never mentioning I ever did it to him, He Just at age 11, came up and said I want a Ventroloakfiwmst Doll, He couldn't say it, Like I couldn't either at that age when I first started, It is in your blood, don't ask me how. But it takes over, and If you truly have the Desire, and want to learn, and willing to take the classes and time practising, You can do it.
    Wow, Thanks, Bill

  2. Yes, Jeff does sell them on his site. And much more.
