
Auction notice:

In 1978 it was impossible for a person to purchase a professional Japanese handcrafted ventriloquist doll unless that person's skills and style of presentation were approved by their personal Japanese "Master teacher". That obviously left me out. So when a mutual friend informed me she had a Japanese ventriloquist friend who would like to trade her newly earned figure for one of the figures we were selling at Maher Studios, I immediately jumped at the chance, sight unseen.

And when the figure arrived, I couldn't have been more pleased. (See photos) This figure was on display in our office showcase for many years. It has also spent time on loan to a Denver area art museum. But it has never been used on stage for performance. Over the years I've had inquiries about possible sale of this rare and unique figure and I always say, "not now - maybe sometime - watch my newsletter (now blog) for advance notice of sale should I decide to do so." Well, this is that notice. I haven't set a date, but I'm thinking it will be 2011.


  1. P.Grecian7/15/2011

    What a sweet and splendid little figure! Looks like 2011 will be the year of the bidding war!

  2. Anonymous7/15/2011

    She's very Beautiful! Wish I had her!

  3. Yes a beauty. But I wouldn't call her sweet!
    She looks like she always thinks she knows better. And that great! It will bring a lot of opportunity's for interesting and funny dialogue's.

  4. Oh, What a Face! I would be interested to bid on her if the time comes!!!
    I would love for you to let me adopt her!
