By Kevin Detweiler
A couple weeks ago in our Children's Department I came up with a routine that worked very well, and I thought I would share it with you all. "Caleb", my vent figure, was telling the story of Joseph, how his father loved him and made for him a coat of many colors. As I finished the story of Joseph, I explained how our Heavenly Father loves us so much, too, and I proceeded to use the Coat of many Colors to explain. The coat's colors are the same as the "Wordless Book" colors:
(Black) Because of sin we are in Darkness.
(Red) The Blood of Jesus that was shed.
(White) Represents our lives because we are forgiven.
(Green) We should Grow in the Word of God daily.
All the kids liked it so much, I thoght you might also. If interested in owning and using a Coat of Many Colors we have made them available for you. You can e-Mail us at animatedpuppets@charter.net for more information. Cost is $35.00 (includes shipping and handling). The size will fit most all vent dolls (Caleb shown here is a 38" figure). We can make larger if needed.
I have received a comment regarding the Biblical reference to sin as being the color of scarlet (Isa. 1:18). Quite true. Please note that NO color in the above lesson is used to represent sin itself. Because of sin, and the Bible clearly states all persons have sinned, the sinner lives in darkness, without hope of heaven. The color black is used in the above outline to represent this dark lost initial state of every person on earth with no regard to gender or race. The Bible also makes it clear that Jesus is the light to the sin darkened world. Jesus Himself quoted Isaiah by saying, "the people living in darkness have seen a great light; of those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." (Matt. 4:16; Isa 9: 1,2) There are several applications and word associations possible with this visual, and should you choose to apply the various colors in a different order, or with varying symbolism, that is exactly what you should do.