

You may remember seeing this fellow's progress from worthless bits and pieces to full restoration.  That was six months or so ago.  During the days I was doing the work, I would hear from his owner every few days, wanting to know how the work was coming along.  Could I provide pictures, etc.  But once the work was completed, and it was time for repair payment to be made, his owner has pretty much disappeared.  I email reminders every week or so.  And every couple months I hear from his owner telling me how much he misses "Wilson" and needs to get him back.  But to date, Wilson simply keeps me company in my shop, unclaimed.  I assure him this is not the first time this has happened and he shouldn't become discouraged.  One way or another, he'll find his way home - or I'll find him a new home.


  1. Anonymous9/18/2012

    Just my opinion Clinton, but if it's been 1/2 a year since you finished this work of art, have sent several emails to the owner, gotten response but not any info from him on when you can expect payment for your hard work, then i say you have waited FAR longer than anyone else would, & have been kinder & more patient than anyone else would, & would be TOTALLY within your rights to send this person a final email, stating your past emails, his responses, but no payment, & that if you do not recieve payment in full by such & such a date, that you will be forced to consider this work as your property to dispose of as you see fit. All i know, is i would never even DREAM of sending work to you without getting an estimate first, & having that money sitting in my account, preferably more just in case, waiting to send to you! This is a HUGE slap in the face to one of the greatest folks in ventriloquism {you}, & i say we need to send a ventriloquial possey out to get this person & bring them to justice!! Bill Smith

    1. I'm hoping this post might serve as motivation to the owner. We'll see. I don't actually know that he visit this blog. I will now send him the link to this post.

  2. Anonymous9/18/2012

    I'm sure if he is not claimed you'll have other takers!!.........who was he originally made by? Could you post a picture of him right side up please? (not the maker-just the head will do-ha,ha)thanks......

    1. The figure was originally made by Lovik. I think it was "Narley" or "Clipper" but I can't say for certain. There is an early post with the head upright. I'll see if I can find it for you.

  3. P. Grecian9/18/2012

    Here's how pathetic I am: I'm feeling sorry for Wilson.

    1. I have similar feelings for any vent figure going unused, including, dare I say this, those in closets, attics, and storerooms, and those sitting on display in collections and museums... (I'm in trouble now. :-)

  4. Anonymous9/18/2012

    Clinton, May I ask if this was an active ventriloquist? Perhaps he is unable to secure the funds. I know we have compassion in other situations, so perhaps this man needs our support instead of our judgement. It may be that he has parted ways with this felllow due to economic struggles. He may have had a dream that has not become a vision. No doubt Clinton looks at this figure and reflects on his own investment of time, materials,and skills. As onservers, we have nothing invested. Let's all take a moment to praise God for Clinton's commitment and also pray for the owner, who obviously needs encouragement from God and us. Could be you or me one day.

  5. bob steininger9/18/2012

    i agree that you should be paid for your service i agree with anonymous maybe he fell on hard times or maybe he had the money set aside and he had to use it for something else what i would do is to try and contact him and ask him what is he going to do about the repair job maybe he needs a payment plan and he is afaird to ask if he does not respond i would send him a certified letter stating what i was going to do to rectify the sitution

  6. Anonymous9/18/2012

    All they would have to do anonymous, is say so. To not tell of something like that, if that's the case, is just wrong. Sorry, but they've obviously had plenty of time & chances to explain, so i can't be very sympathetic, & i'm about as sympathetic as they come. I'm making minimum wage, & working 20-28 hrs a week,so i know about struggling & have struggled even worse, & would never leave clinton {or ANYONE for that matter} just waiting like this, & as for God, i'm sorry, but knowing what a christian person clinton is, i think even god would frown a bit here. I do pray the owner is not in a bind, but they should be "christian" enough to "confess". Don't you think??????

    1. No need to feel badly for me. I've been through similar before - it will all work out. I sent the owner the link to this post, hoping that might inspire him to respond. Actually, I would have no difficulty selling the figure, but that's a last resort for me. Honestly, there's been a mystery to this figure from the day it arrived in bits and pieces with much of the head missing entirely ... that's the type of damage to a figure that is almost always a result of anger. I did go so far as to ask, but received no answer which pretty much confirmed my suspicions. The owner may be experiencing some guilt - who knows. Thanks for your comments. As I said, it will all work out.

  7. Hi Clinton,
    You definitely should be applauded for giving the owner every chance but if this post didn't scare him either he's given up or in Extremely bad shape!
    So ..( just in case he is trying to get it out to sell it) ask him if he wants you to offer it for sale
    and he gets the difference..
    Just a thought.
    The little guy is so loveable I'm sure there would be a lot of interest (self included)
    Thank You for all of the information you share
