
Shop Talk

"Chester" came to me for touch up of minor chips to be followed by a complete repaint.  He is a very  nice Lovik woodcarved figure.  However, as with many of the Lovik woodcarved figures, the  cut under the mouth was made much too low and gaps very noticeably when the mouth is opened.  So - as long as the head is going to be repainted, and with his owner's permission, I decided to remove the mouth and do some corrective surgery.

This is the completed head, repainted, and with the underside of the mouth/neck rebuilt to eliminate the unsightly gap.

"Chester," ready to rejoin his owner, Jan Goodwin.  No longer will he need to wear turtle-neck shirts to every occasion!


  1. P. Grecian4/11/2012

    I love these little vignettes you put up, and I'm a sucker for before and after pictures.

  2. Anonymous4/11/2012

    The before and after photographs, along with the commentary, is very educational. You are helping us understand the complexity of what we love to do and what it takes to get our vent figures ready. All I can say is WOW! What an Artist !!!

    Bob La Belle

  3. Anonymous4/14/2012

    Talking about Lovik puppets...............
    I believe Lovik made dinosaur like puppets, in a half shell, which "rested" on a false hand. Does anyone know whether someone is still making these. Are there any available for purchase? Are there plans of these available?
    Would love to here more about these puppets!

  4. They were called "Hand-'n-Hand" puppets - I'll try to find a picture.

  5. Anonymous4/23/2012

    hey clinton do oyu have enny pic of the lovik catlog for 172 or 1973 in the story teller figuer line because my figuer was sold for a shour time periode in that year wich means i have a early lovik from adam walker and if ur intrested i might have a photo of him heres the pic i dont no if this really helps but heres a pic of him while im reparing him https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/462325_361148547269292_100001224489660_985459_94015471_o.jpg?dl=1 and he is a early lovik hes about 40 years old and i hope this can help u find a pic

  6. Anonymous: Your link does not work So I can't help you in indetifying your Storyteller character. Sorry.

  7. Anonymous4/24/2012

    hey clinton it me adam do you have a hot maile acout ? because i need to send a pic of my story teller lovik figuer from adam walker

  8. Adam: My email address is: mahertalk@aol.com
    Please contact me at that address. (I do not have a hotmail account.)
