
Maher Course - How does it work?

Question: I'm seriously considering purchasing the Maher Course of Ventriloquism, but I would like to know how it works. Eddie S.
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From Mr. D: The Maher Course teaching material consists of 30 printed lessons and one instruction/demo DVD. Everything is sent as one unit so you can then proceed at your own pace as your schedule allows. There is no completion deadline. Approximately every two lessons you will find "Self-check" tests to help you judge your progress and understanding. Lessons 15 and 30 both contain an exam to be completed and sent to our office where it will be graded and your answers commented upon as needed. Completion certificates are issued upon our receipt of these two exams. In addition, you can email me at any time with questions. See http://mahercourse.blogspot.com/ for further details including information on how to order.


  1. Anonymous9/19/2011

    I took the Maher course many years ago when I was 16 ( I am now 55) and I can say that it is the best way to learn this art. There are many books and other sources out there but if you are looking for an easygoing and well put togetter program this course is the on. Ofter 40 years I am still at this art and I owe a great debt to Clintion not only for his course but his friendship as well.

    Chuck Lyons

  2. Bob O'9/19/2011

    Eddie S.

    I have recently started the Maher Course and between the Course and the Video you will get just about everything you need to become an accomplished Ventriloguist. You will be amazed how simple some things are and you will also be amazed when trying out your skills how much "practicing the principles" is important.
    The course is well worth the money. Any other route you take will be "winging it" on your own and you may develop habits that will be hard to break later on. I find that as basic as the course is, it really puts you in the groove and will be the foundation that will form your future as a VENT weather it be in public or private. It also will be a great reference in later days.
    Bob O'

  3. Anonymous9/19/2011

    I took the course when the added instructions were on three audio CASSETTE TAPES. So you "newbies" now have the advantage of learning extra steps via video. An extra boon for you. All i can say is, if you want to learn vent the RIGHT way, instead of how i did before taking this course in the 1980's, You will NEVER find anything better or more thorough! PLUS, you get clinton's advice & friendship during & after the course at no extra charge! Show me a book or another course {if there ARE any others out there} that gives all THAT! Best of luck in vent. Bill Smith :)

  4. I just want to say "THANK YOU" for your comments and endorsements for the Maher Course. I do not take them lightly.

  5. Anonymous9/19/2011

    Best course on the market for the beginner or as a refresher for those who
    have been away for a while! Plus you get personal help from Clinton,
    you can't lose!

    Tom Farrell

  6. Canon John Jordan9/19/2011

    Every day you wait is a day lost. Don't delay. Do it now.

  7. Anonymous9/21/2011

    I graduated from the ‘Maher Course of Ventriloquism’ (Basic and Advance) three years ago. This course is an absolute must for anyone who wants to do ventriloquism well. The material is interesting and enjoyable. The course itself is downright fun! Than you Mr. D for making this course available. I also want to thank you for all of the help and advise that you gave to me while I was taking the course, as well as for the advice and assistance that you have given to me since I graduated. You have always answered my emails.

    Wilson Kindred

  8. Anonymous9/21/2011

    I graduated from the ‘Maher Course of Ventriloquism’ (Basic and Advance) three years ago. This course is an absolute ‘MUST’ for anyone who wants to do ventriloquism well. The material is interesting and enjoyable. The course itself is downright fun! Thank you Mr. D for making this wonderful course available. I also want to thank you for all of the help and advise that you gave to me while I was taking the course, as well as for the advice and assistance that you have given to me since I graduated. You have always answered my emails.

    Wilson Kindred
