
Problem: Dry Throat

I have a question. We do a lot of shows in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and for obvious reasons, it's pretty warm in the buildings. From time to time my throat gets pretty dry because it's so warm. During a recent show, I went into a song with my puppet, "Annette", and in the middle of the song, my voice started cracking. I keep some water handy to keep my throat moist, but I seem to still battle a dry throat. What would you suggest to be the best way to keep my throat moist during our show? Thanks! Ron
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Comment: Lick your lips just before you begin - that will help, but it won't keep your mouth moist through the full show. I glass of water is about the only answer I know of. I've heard of vents who actually keep a throat lozenge in their mouth during the show, but I've never tried it - I'd probably choke on it! Are there any readers with suggestions for Ron?


  1. The entertainers secret works well, a bit of room temp water with lemon also works hope this helps

  2. Anonymous9/28/2010

    Make sure the water is room temperature. Do not drink cold water.

  3. Anonymous9/28/2010

    Try a hard candy between the cheek and the upper back teeth (like a hamster), Take a small drink of water to moisten your mouth and the candy. The candy tricks the salivary glands to think that you have food in your mouth, and they go to work to keep your mouth moist. You can also, when practicing, hold the candy between your back molars to help you learn not to move your jaw. (Like the ventrillo-aid). I've done a lot of speaking in public for over fifty years, and it works for me. Good luck. Blessings. John.

  4. You might want to try "Entertainer's Secret" throat spray. It is available through Lee Cornell at Ventriloquism 101. I always keep several on hand!

  5. As a musician that travels on the road alot and had been traveling for over 13 years I can feel your pain. Two things if you are going to have water have it at room temp. do not have ice in it. The ice will cause your voice to continue to crack and not allow your throat or chords to relax and get the water it needs. Second you can go to a site like musicians friend and buy a throat spray. It is not like the numbing spray that you buy in store it is safe and ok to use while singing. It has saved me more than once. Also if you use cough drops you should use sugar free... the sugar can play with your voice also. Here is a link http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/Clear-Voice-Vocal-Spray?sku=430130&rec=product_A

    - Joe Overfelt
    Roanoke, VA

  6. NJ was referring to a patented product called "Entertainer's Secret." It's an all-natural throat coating spray and is used by a LOT of entertainers to keep the throat moist. I carry it on my website here:


  7. This from Steve Engle: "For years I often use a throat spray such as Banca when dealing with "cotton mouth." A squirt or two would get the juices flowing. It's quick and easy tho' it doesn't replace the need for liquids during extended shows."

  8. Anonymous9/29/2010

    I am a nursing home employee, & can first hand tell you it isn't just the heat in those places. There are air QUALITY issues in some facilities also. So that probably plays a part in it as well. I love it when i'm drenched in sweat at work & a resident says, while wearing a SWEATER mind you, " I'm COLD! Can you turn the heat on for me??" LOL!! God bless you for performing for them. I can tell you from actually being around them that it really DOES mean so very much to them. Keep up the good work, & best of luck! W.S.

  9. from what I read about you, it seems you are doing vent a lot, maybe you just need to rest your throat, you just might be overworking yourself. water, throat spray, lemon, these things are great but the best relaxer is rest.

  10. I like all of these ideas, I use room tempurature water, I put it in a wisky flask and put it in my pocket, I bought it at walmart, it was in clearance for only $3.50. So I bought a few, Stainless steal, 8 oz. I bet people think I am drinking wisky or something, Bill
