
Shop talk

Diversity at work. He came as a Caucasian to my shop for a change of ethnicity. Not a problem. The repainted and newly wigged figure is shown above and at left. At right is a photo I took for the owner showing the mechanics inside the head of this figure (now named "Curtis") from Selberg Studios.


  1. Anonymous8/06/2010

    I was amazed with the visual reminder that we, like the figures, are the same inside. I have this figure in the original shade, and never imagined she could be so different. Great reminder of creation. It is also nice to see inside without the surgery. AHEAD of your time.

  2. Thanks for the view inside a Selberg head, fascinating.

  3. Anonymous8/06/2010

    beautiful paintjob and figure. very nice looking mechanics. would be a great figure to watch in action. Geoffrey, Australia.

  4. Fascinating to see the mechanic. It's like watching a puzzle. I've been looking for minute's, then I finaly understood what al the rope's and springs are for.
